1. How much does it cost for users?

It's completely free for users to explore and start chatting with a single avatar. To access more avatars you can simply upgrade to get unlimited access.

2. I’ve seen an avatar I want to talk to. How do I do it?

It’s as simple as pressing the call button. If you're seeing a paywall, you'll need to upgrade to get access to unlimited calls.

3. How much does it cost for users?

There are many payment options available, however, we would advise you to use the card you have on file. These are anonymous and payment is handled by BANTERAI, meaning you don’t need to disclose any personal details when making payment.

4. How do I do a phone call?

Simply press the call button and you will be connected to the avatar you are chatting with. You can also call the avatar from the avatar's profile page.